Business Intermediary

BRE #01160661

You can own a business by making a substantial investment or buying an existing one. You can make a purchase either from a friend or someone in your family or take assistance from the Small Business and Development Center in your local area. 

Business Intermediary can be your true business real estate partner and work with you throughout the buying and selling process. Let Ricardo Fogel help you find the right business as per your requirements.

Whether you want to buy or sell a small business or a giant one, there are a lot of things that you have to consider while buying or selling. This includes the business comparable marketing value, financial concerns, legal status, the company’s reputation, potential growth expectations, and much more.

The client can consider these things when you work with the right brokerage company that will guide you through the daunting process of buying and selling.

Cash flow is a measurement of how much money gets in and out of your firm over a certain time period. With these 7 steps, you can easily maximize your business potential effectively and efficiently;

  1. Keep track of your finances.
  2. Create financial statements.
  3. Review your financial flow.
  4. Determine whether you require more cash flow.
  5. Make necessary budgetary cuts.
  6. Increase the speed of your accounts receivable.
  7. Rinse and repeat the process.

Business analysis is a blend of employing specialized approaches to acquire insight from data and executing activities to determine a business’s needs—then advising adjustments and giving solutions that add value to the stakeholders.

By analyzing your business strengths and weakness, you can better determine the net worth of your business and enable you to put up the right selling prices. Moreover, it will help you determine the hidden costs and expenses and ways through which you can increase your business market value.


Contact us at the business Brokerage WP office nearest to you or submit a business inquiry online.
